Electric hydrofoil systems + software for boat OEMs

Meet the outboard engine of the 21st century. Systems for boats from 14ft to 45ft in length.

Create an electric boat that owners will love

Once you customer try electric foiling, they wont go back.

Superior seakeeping and comfort

Say goodby to slamming into waves. Nothing beats the feeling of cruising around 2ft clear of the waves and chop.

More than twice the range

The number one dealbreaker for boat owners in going electric is the range. Our technology more than doubles the range of a standard electric boat.

Remarkably lower operating and total ownership cost

Because our technology is 15x more energy efficient than a gas powered boat, a day out on the water has never been so easy on the wallet. Added to that the low service costs of a electric powertrain, our systems make good financial sense to boat owners.

Easily adapt existing existing outboard driven designs to be foiling

Our platform easily integrates into existing boat designs with only minor modifications. Our system includes batteries, motors, inverters, hydrofoil wings, struts and all the electronics and software required.

Your winning designs +
our cutting edge technology

Our electric hydrofoil systems are a fully integrated system of batteries, motors, wings, struts, computers and software. They are designed to easily integrate into existing boat designs with only minor modifications.

Want to learn more?

Contact us now to learn more about how our systems could be integrated into your boats.